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My Way

Project Type

Website Development


April 2023

Project type


Introducing "My Way," a new career pathway website designed to help users navigate their professional journey. Through this project, users can explore salary ranges, education requirements, potential job opportunities, and visualize their career growth through an innovative tree diagram. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance in your field, "My Way" is your go-to resource for planning your career path.

My Way was born out of the objective need of the youth entering the workforce, but not knowing what to do next. Nary a times we see a youngling complete their schooling, and then wonder what to do next. And we also see hefty charges for a career counsellor, for all ages, creating more strife and confusion.

With these aspects in mind, I created My Way to be as simple and clutter-free as possible. The goal is to provide unbiased information about careers and pathways, and allow everyone to create their own Growth Tree.

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